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An all too ordinary story, with aftertaste so bitter
Forced to be someone I don't want to be
I'm losing myself... sinking deeper down
I'm caught in the world wound web

Saturday, January 12, 2008

sitting down on excess fagging as every smoke drench zachary's throat as they slither thru his swollen tonsils he cringes and bears the pain as he reached for his salvation a cold antidote of jack daniels his heart was cold his eyes teary and his mind in a confusionclashin pasts that he will not extinguishand the future he detests what is waht he really want?is the prize denial or love?his band chucked him asidehe was down on his luck all his projects were shadows of his giants...his guitar a wrecked up wood dusting in the corner his love was but a lie...ciggaretes and the bottle were his mates..but today a falsh glimmer shone..as hedustd off his guitar he strolled down the subway not knowing what is next..it went without a hitch the jamming seesion was his first in ages..this band was diffrent he said..youngbloods with old dogs like him and gates..but being the stubborn dog dat wont stay down he aired the dirty laundry about his past expericnes with members he culdnt care less about to the youngbloods and gates smiled as he knew our meesage was done its up to them to carry this flame..the journey begins..as he strolled down the avenue approaching thunderstorm abaits he haerd his name..as he spun he saw his old sage.the only person he truly respected in his old clan of brothers in arms other than yoshi san in the sect or iron,with a genuine smile and piercing eyes they excahnged words and wounds were healed and deep down his respect for his sage deepened he was well known.zachary that is the rebel.the person who does not suck up to someone his respect toward someone was genuine he expect noting just to be a comrade was all he asked for.and on that day though his quest to redeem himslef was still at large his respect was restored in his heart though it was just a short and seem to be meaningless conversation it meant alot to him and that good men like his sage,yoshi san ,gates.gate's jr are true good men that he will alwyas appriciate and kowtow to.cheers to you fellow good men there arent many like thy.hallowed be thy name
Another Ordinary Story at 6:48 AM;

Saturday, November 24, 2007

wierdtimes indeed i havent been updating so heres something new.. err im throughly at a lost of words haha.okay here goes
wel paranoia happens when well in the past u have been backstabbed scolded etc in other words pahobia leads to paranoia..fact 1
fact 2 is the reason why molest occurs often nowdaes is because girls love attnetion(caution im not being sexist jus realist)think about it modern girls wearing little is beautiful..how bullshite can that be?ha wen kanna molest scream cry..ironic they craved attention..kk back to point wearing a skin tight jumpsuit ppl will still wank to that?so why does wearing liitle mean beutiful?and another point is funny thing is are we reverting back to the stone age?where prmitives wear liitle?have we become neanderthals?THINK!have logic.if u really crave fucking attnetion that means u wana shove urrselves down ppls throats.that eqautes to the same as being a fuckin porn star(agin im not discrminating get this straight)have pride dudettes.coz being beatiful is having a personality.not by exactly by networking and getting fame throgh numbers of contacts or by exposing ur secret life or wahtever simply said being beauitful is being urrself.and well not to whore urrself out unless u wana be a groupie then well be my guest..or if u all wanna be neaderthals again.
the end
ps.this aint to offen any1 jus wanna save a innocents from getting duped.ive heard it and well woudlnt like it to happen to any1 out there.peace ya
Another Ordinary Story at 8:08 AM;

Saturday, April 28, 2007

its true isint it?good guys finsh last..
bt think bout it..
thts where evil men are born
when all thats left is misery cast upon bt the evil that men do
that is when good men are reduced to manipulators of destinies
when the were all bt down and out..
the pick themselves out
the 'wonder of life is to apriciate what comes by'
cliche isint it
wHat do we WanT?
why we arent able to reap it..
true efforts are scapegoats..
bt think bout it
workin dat hard..
doin what savours us..or isit?
that is when we look upon evil men we realise..
THey got WAD THEY want..
the world cant accept it..
its morally wrong they say..have it their way..
bt wen we die..
do we rise?legacy..
how r u leving it?wen u didnt do or achieve wad u wanted..
cliched..wad a dream..dat will never come
unless we lie to ourselves..
evill..wad is evil?wen all dremaers are doing is tryin to achieve their goal
Another Ordinary Story at 9:30 AM;

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

As i plunge the shovel deep in the mud the thunder in the clouds flashed forth in the darkest nights of gloom pespiration veils me in a thick coat of humid even though it was cold
iwasnt shivering against the surrounding but the contents that lay deep inside this tomb im excavating
years of building it fortiying the bond.yet all thats left is now this hallowed grave
that lay before me
memories flood back after even so long it still can kill
all those exubreance is now layin before me under the acacia tree
ive reched its crevice.and in the darkness i tap upon my lamp
there she lay so beatiful so intact.i break down in sorrow
all the emotions clash but one thing remined constant
and that is the obstinace..
but how could u force someone to not love
and to let go he refused he knelt on the mud as he reached for her
as the pendant lies in his wriggly hands acaicas surround him
and for that moment he felt joy that he always awaited
and glanced he did at the potrait of him and her..
and he realises she has moved on..
dead she wasnt..
happy she was with a new partner
fo its him that chose to bury his past
as so his pain be relieved of the unberable truth that he failed..
but what about her?
he didint blame for after all those while..
after years he found that excavting it now
made him realize the pain that only grows each moment
as the acaicas litter his surrounding..he remnicises..
Happy valentines..
Another Ordinary Story at 9:12 PM;

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

finding a sweet plum on the floor wondering why it seems so familiar
crouching down observing it,only then u remembred memories
rushing in like a waterfall eroding the contents of your mind in sorrow
evrthing you thought you have left buried and dead haunts tomorrow
ther i was standing in a battle fiel torn with hate fighting hordes of animals
making surre ill come to live then to die in vain for i longed to see rose petals
slaying all blood on my hands what have i done slaying men like me
all those who are thrown into the fray for is being compelled to thee
beliefs of diffrence clashed in conflict ending with nothing but mourning
who wins eventually are the demons that plague or minds dawning
fighting rages on as it stalls in a village i knew my downfall was inevitable
but i longed and pray for one wish that is to see you ending my battle
true enough i succumbed to my enemies blade and with my last efforts
i slayed him and crumbled down as well and into embrace fell i short
i found my wished fulfilled..though tears were in yur eyes and both of us in bleeding misery
on our last breaths we uttred sweet nothings to each other and promised to stay for eternity
even till our next incarnation...
snapping out of my overwhelming expression i loooked upon that plum suddenly remebring someone liked it before and a familar face yet undecypharable appaers before me
as i gave the plum to her i felt deja vu and a tug of heart and i commented..
miss u are very pretty..wht is yur name?

i would gladlyproclaim..that if i were to die ill die in your arms..
the end
Another Ordinary Story at 7:50 PM;

Saturday, March 17, 2007

in the darkest nights of stars withering in the skies
fading away to obscurity
finding a way to evade scrutiny
for evrey good thing cant last
plying by the rules
but pulled by the noose
fool fool

in the still of the night sleepless wandering
tugging and turning eyes so red and body like lead
forseeing the fates living in a wheel caged
paranoia gripps and memories kills
fall fall

still its dark nowhere to run swallowed by the dark
fighting so long left chinks in armour a matter of time befall
and even if rock erodes what is a fighting spirit?
and all thats left is a husk of it
a rebel fighting..till he fell for the final time

after so many falls and stabs its about time he fell
but cherished he'll be not,dying in sorrowful pain
and all his memories he will keep
all those deeds unto him in constant thought
all those loves in constant motion
and all the mistakes will be tipped by the venomous memoirs of those betaryed and slayed till aven a husk is gone and the dust and ashes are not even left particles
but a whish of air thats meant to forgetabble
in the still of the night..
Another Ordinary Story at 8:07 AM;

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

A rather ironic situation when it is in fact that we
are telling people hat is right and wrong
allow me to explain
people now are judge jury executioner
we deterrmine their future and their lives
what a shame men like us making dicsions when in fact we know its all
of no avail and that the irony is
we are servants to god and when a slave has become a master what has become of thier master then?
that is when we riegn in blood supreme taking what we feel is needed justifying the unjustified
monopolysing fortunes and fates becoming the master of puppets
it is us who hate and us who love
us who kil us to live
but when all tht prevails is hatred where have all the dreams we thrived and created gone?
all lost in a blaze og glory of the new gods mankind.
Another Ordinary Story at 9:46 PM;


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